Monday, August 6, 2012

Craft or DIY - home golfing range?

I can't believe I even gave this post that title.

A driving range is a place where you get 100 balls, whack them as hard as you can at the guy in the caged tractor and try not humiliate yourself with too many airswings.

Unless you live on a farm, a home driving range is not really that practical.  Think broken windows in the neighbour's over the back and a little chat from the cops or local council.

So for the home setting, let's settle on golfing range.  I built one this morning out of frustration in not being able to duck out in today's glorious weather for 9 holes before school pickup this afternoon.  You can't always know when it's going to be a lovely day and children, let's face it, are a constraint of sorts.

I think since I'm not that "crafty" (decoupage, scrapbooking, pottery etc) I'm going to put this in the DIY department.  Since it kind of works, at $0 cost - can I just say, I'm pretty impressed with my meagre efforts.  The need to look up "How to take a decent photo with an iphone" on Mr Knows-It-All-Google has become quite apparent in the documentation of this little project!!

Step 1.  OMG, is this my first tutorial?!

Just a little bit of foam from the new printer box cut out with a steak knife.  For this project (now we're talking it up) I didn't want to use any specialist implements like a craft knife, box cutter, scalpel.  It's DIY, not craft!

Step 2.  The stuffing bit.

And then stuff the styrofoam in the door mat.  It helps if you've already got one of these.  Remember - no specialist equipment.  You do need a tee, a ball, and a golf club. 

That being said; if you're drunk, mucking around, or simply ill-equipped: a broom handle, stick, vacuum cleaner hose etc. may suffice!

Step 3.  Position & Play.

I've angled my Home Driving Range on a slight diagonal to accommodate a slightly longer test shot.  Yes, the first shot did crack into the tree and bounce onto the fence.

Am considering giving up the 8 iron and going with a broomstick for the safety of my property and that of the neighbours!